Undisclosed Client Final Analysis

In this notebook we will be looking for relationships between disease stage, mouse sex and group. We begin by the necessary libraries.

# required libraries
panderOptions('knitr.auto.asis', FALSE)

After importing libraries we will import the data.

# read the csv data and split into test and control groups
data <- read.csv("FinalAnalysisClientDataset.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
data$BMP_2 <- sapply(sapply(data$BMP_2, as.character), as.numeric) #had to convert this column to numerics
test <- subset(data, Category == "Test")
control <- subset(data, Category == "Control")

Lets write some descriptive statistics on BMP_1 and BMP_2 levels so we understand what our data looks like.

# small summary of basic stats using describe
kable(describe(data$BMP_1, skew=FALSE), caption = "Descrpitive Statistics on BMP_1 levels")
Table 1: Descrpitive Statistics on BMP_1 levels
vars n mean sd min max range se
X1 1 36 80.84 24.93527 41.943 154.72 112.777 4.155879
kable(describe(data$BMP_2, skew=FALSE), caption = "Descriptive Statistics on BMP_2 levels")
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics on BMP_2 levels
vars n mean sd min max range se
X1 1 102 254.1349 165.2406 68.84 730.17 661.33 16.36126
#create a box plot to illustrate data
ggplot(data, aes(x=Category, y=BMP_1)) + geom_boxplot()

ggplot(data, aes(x=Category, y=BMP_2)) + geom_boxplot()

From this data we see that the mean BMP_2 and BMP_1 in the test groups are higher than their respective control groups. However, there is a lot of overlap based on these box-whisker plots. Lets try to further investigate this issue by looking at box-whisker plots for each subgroup. Mice can be grouped by disease stage, and gender, as illustrated in Table 3.

Independent Factor Levels Level Names
Category 2 Test, Control
Age Group 5 Pre-symptomatic, Early Stage, Intermediate Stage, Late Stage, End Stage
Sex 2 Male, Female
# Source https://r-graph-gallery.com/265-grouped-boxplot-with-ggplot2.html
# For BMP_2 we generate a grouped boxed plot for each disease stage, and participant sex  
ggplot(data, aes(x=Age_group, y=BMP_2, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Age_group, scale="free")

When creating box-whisker plots for BMP_2 levels when mice are grouped only by disease stage we see that the mean BMP_2 level is higher in the test group except for the Pre-symptomatic group. Lets see how BMP_1 levels compare.

# For BMP_1 we generate a grouped boxed plot for each disease stage, and participant sex 
ggplot(data, aes(x=Age_group, y=BMP_1, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Age_group, scale="free")

Because much of the BMP_1 data is missing, the only disease stage groups are Late and End stage. We see that the mean in the test group is not larger than the control group. Let’s also try grouping by Sex to see if there is any difference between the mean BMP_2 and BMP_1 level.

# ungrouped ggplot for each output variable (BMP_1,_BMP_2)
ggplot(data, aes(x=Sex, y=BMP_2, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Sex, scale="free")

ggplot(data, aes(x=Sex, y=BMP_1, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Sex, scale="free")

When grouping by Sex only, we see that both test groups have higher mean BMP_1 and BMP_2 levels than their respective control groups.

We can also do filtered box plots for each group given a particular sex.

For Female Mice

# Box plot of BMP_2 for females grouped by disease stage.
female_data <- data[data$Sex == "Female",]
ggplot(female_data, aes(x=Age_group, y=BMP_2, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Age_group, scale="free") 

When controlling for Female mice we see that difference between End Stage levels of BMP_1 may be statistically significant.

# Box plot of BMP_1 for females grouped by disease stage.
female_data <- data[data$Sex == "Female",]
ggplot(female_data, aes(x=Age_group, y=BMP_1, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Age_group, scale="free")

When controlling for female mice, we see that there is a strong case that there is a statistically significant difference in the mean BMP_2 level for the four disease stages given.

For Male Mice

# This is for BMP_1
male_data <- data[data$Sex == "Male",]
ggplot(male_data, aes(x=Age_group, y=BMP_1, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Age_group, scale="free")

When controlling for male mice we do not see promising data as both control groups have higher mean BMP_1 levels than their test counterparts.

# This is for BMP_2
male_data <- data[data$Sex == "Male",]
ggplot(male_data, aes(x=Age_group, y=BMP_2, fill=Category)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Age_group, scale="free")

When controlling for male mice, we see some promising results with the mean BMP_2 level being higher in the test groups, when compared to their respective control groups for the disease stages Early, End, and Intermediate Stages.

While these box-whisker plots have mixed results, we will do a Three-Way ANOVA to determine whether the means of each sub-population are equivalent.

# Three-Way ANOVA 
# Source: https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/stata/faq/how-can-i-understand-a-three-way-interaction-in-anova/
# These are great guys ^^^
res.aov2 <- aov(BMP_2 ~ Age_group * Sex * Category, data = data)
pander(summary(res.aov2),caption="Three-way ANOVA of factors Test/Control, Disease Stage, Sex on BMP_2 levels")
Three-way ANOVA of factors Test/Control, Disease Stage, Sex on BMP_2 levels
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Age_group 4 483777 120944 5.684 0.0004249
Sex 1 5743 5743 0.2699 0.6048
Category 1 52828 52828 2.483 0.1189
Age_group:Sex 3 50050 16683 0.7841 0.5061
Age_group:Category 4 78305 19576 0.92 0.4563
Sex:Category 1 125918 125918 5.918 0.01711
Age_group:Sex:Category 3 173782 57927 2.722 0.04944
Residuals 84 1787347 21278 NA NA

The results of the F-test following the ANOVA, we see that the Age Group is a significant factor \(p=0.000426< 0.001\), while neither Sex nor Category are significant factors. However there is a strong interaction effect between Sex and Category, and a small interaction effect between Sex, Age_group and Category. Lets do more ANOVA’s to understand these effects. We will first group by Age_group and run ANOVAs to understand the interaction effect of Sex*Category.

# iterate through the age groups and conduct a 2-way ANOVA for each group
# where the factors are Test/Control and Male/Female, and the output variable is BMP_2 level
for (group in unique(data$Age_group)){
  temp_data <- data[data$Age_group == group,]
  temp_anova <- aov(BMP_2 ~ Category*Sex, data=temp_data)
  pander(summary(temp_anova), caption=group)
  }, error=function(e){})
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Category 1 8701 8701 0.2792 0.6045
Sex 1 33359 33359 1.071 0.3162
Category:Sex 1 277338 277338 8.9 0.00878
Residuals 16 498577 31161 NA NA
Early stage
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Category 1 4926 4926 0.8394 0.3792
Sex 1 5644 5644 0.9616 0.3479
Category:Sex 1 0.1904 0.1904 3.244e-05 0.9956
Residuals 11 64556 5869 NA NA
Late stage
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Category 1 11155 11155 0.5213 0.4757
Sex 1 6329 6329 0.2958 0.5904
Category:Sex 1 8249 8249 0.3855 0.5392
Residuals 31 663361 21399 NA NA
End stage From These ANOVAs unfortunately we see that largely there is no difference in between the population means between the 4 groups (Male:Control, Male:Test, Female:Control, Female:Test) at each disease stage. However, we see that for the End Stage of the disease there is a possible difference between the Control/Test populations. We also see a strong interaction effect for Category:Sex in the Pre-symptomatic stage.
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Category 1 103028 103028 3.916 0.06178
Sex 1 4496 4496 0.1709 0.6837
Category:Sex 1 14113 14113 0.5364 0.4724
Residuals 20 526247 26312 NA NA

At this stage we run a Tukey Honest Significant Difference test to compare the four groups and determine which groups are different.

# iterate through the age groups and conduct a 2-way ANOVA for each group
# where the factors are Test/Control and Male/Female, and the output variable is BMP_1 level
for (group in unique(data$Age_group)){
  temp_data <- data[data$Age_group == group,]
  temp_anova <- aov(BMP_2 ~ Category*Sex, data=temp_data)
  temp_tukey <- TukeyHSD(temp_anova, conf.level=.95)
  }, error=function(e){})
## Warning in pander.default(temp_tukey, caption = group): No pander.method for
## "TukeyHSD", reverting to default.No pander.method for "multicomp", reverting to
## default.
  • Category:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test-Control -41.93 -210.1 126.3 0.6045
  • Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Male-Female -83.08 -253.9 87.72 0.3178
  • Category:Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test:Female-Control:Female 251.6 -105.5 608.8 0.2232
    Control:Male-Control:Female 174.5 -164.3 513.3 0.4751
    Test:Male-Control:Female -57.36 -373.9 259.2 0.9535
    Control:Male-Test:Female -77.16 -416 261.6 0.9134
    Test:Male-Test:Female -309 -625.6 7.551 0.05696
    Test:Male-Control:Male -231.8 -527.6 63.88 0.1539
## Warning in pander.default(temp_tukey, caption = group): No pander.method for
## "TukeyHSD", reverting to default.No pander.method for "multicomp", reverting to
## default.
  • Category:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test-Control 36.33 -50.94 123.6 0.3792
  • Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Male-Female 38.78 -48.48 126 0.349
  • Category:Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test:Female-Control:Female 38.9 -124.1 201.9 0.8879
    Control:Male-Control:Female 38.77 -124.3 201.8 0.8888
    Test:Male-Control:Female 78.12 -97.96 254.2 0.5613
    Control:Male-Test:Female -0.13 -163.2 162.9 1
    Test:Male-Test:Female 39.22 -136.9 215.3 0.9061
    Test:Male-Control:Male 39.35 -136.7 215.4 0.9053
## Warning in pander.default(temp_tukey, caption = group): No pander.method for
## "TukeyHSD", reverting to default.No pander.method for "multicomp", reverting to
## default.
  • Category:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test-Control 35.72 -65.18 136.6 0.4757
  • Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Male-Female -26.98 -128.2 74.25 0.5906
  • Category:Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test:Female-Control:Female 63.25 -119.2 245.7 0.7831
    Control:Male-Control:Female 4.577 -188.3 197.5 0.9999
    Test:Male-Control:Female 6.153 -186.8 199.1 0.9998
    Control:Male-Test:Female -58.67 -247 129.7 0.8323
    Test:Male-Test:Female -57.1 -245.4 131.2 0.8432
    Test:Male-Control:Male 1.576 -196.9 200.1 1
## Warning in pander.default(temp_tukey, caption = group): No pander.method for
## "TukeyHSD", reverting to default.No pander.method for "multicomp", reverting to
## default.
  • Category:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test-Control 131.5 -7.123 270.1 0.06178
  • Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Male-Female 27.47 -111.2 166.1 0.6837
  • Category:Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test:Female-Control:Female 184.7 -90.26 459.6 0.2678
    Control:Male-Control:Female 80.44 -194.5 355.4 0.8448
    Test:Male-Control:Female 167.4 -98.43 433.3 0.3196
    Control:Male-Test:Female -104.2 -366.3 157.9 0.686
    Test:Male-Test:Female -17.25 -269.8 235.3 0.9974
    Test:Male-Control:Male 86.97 -165.6 339.6 0.7711

While this may seem like a lot of information Lets make a table for the adjusted p-value for the groups we are actually interested in comparing.

Table 2

Disease Stage Sex Adjusted p value
Pre-Symptomatic Male 0.1610516
Pre-Symptomatic Female 0.2267875
Early Stage Male 0.9211629
Early Stage Female 0.8947598
Intermediate Stage Male
Late Stage Male 0.9999997
Late Stage Female 0.7663138
End Stage Male 0.7643094
End Stage Female 0.2709241

From Table 2 we see that difference in means between the test/control groups were not significantly different. Proceeding from here, it may make sense to develop a linear model for how the BMP_2 and BMP_1 increase as the mouse gets to later stages in the disease.

Repeating this process for BMP_1 Lets first take the Three-way ANOVA

res.aov2 <- aov(BMP_1 ~ Age_group * Sex * Category, data = data)
pander(summary(res.aov2),caption="Three-way ANOVA where the output variable is BMP_1 level, and the factors are Disease stage, Sex, Test/Control")
Three-way ANOVA where the output variable is BMP_1 level, and the factors are Disease stage, Sex, Test/Control
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Age_group 1 5874 5874 23.69 3.989e-05
Sex 1 6894 6894 27.8 1.316e-05
Category 1 16.91 16.91 0.0682 0.7959
Age_group:Sex 1 90.61 90.61 0.3654 0.5504
Age_group:Category 1 125.1 125.1 0.5044 0.4835
Sex:Category 1 1014 1014 4.091 0.05276
Age_group:Sex:Category 1 804.2 804.2 3.243 0.0825
Residuals 28 6943 248 NA NA

Here we see that Category is again not a significant factor, but factors for Age_group and Sex are significant. There is a small interaction effect between Sex and Category that may be worth investigating. We again take an Two-way ANOVAs for each Age_group.

# iterate through the age groups and conduct a 2-way ANOVA for each group
# where the factors are Test/Control and Male/Female, and the output variable is BMP_1 level
for (group in unique(data$Age_group)){
  temp_data <- data[data$Age_group == group,]
  temp_anova <- aov(BMP_1 ~ Category*Sex, data=temp_data)
  pander(summary(temp_anova), caption=group)
  }, error=function(e){})
Late stage
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Category 1 148.8 148.8 1.546 0.2289
Sex 1 5157 5157 53.59 6.106e-07
Category:Sex 1 96.89 96.89 1.007 0.3283
Residuals 19 1829 96.24 NA NA
End stage
  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Category 1 84.55 84.55 0.1488 0.7087
Sex 1 1736 1736 3.055 0.1144
Category:Sex 1 1722 1722 3.03 0.1157
Residuals 9 5114 568.3 NA NA

It should not be much of a surprise that the results of the Two-way ANOVA show that the difference between the groups is largely due to sex. We will do a Tukey HSD test again to illustrate which groups are different.

# source: https://www.r-bloggers.com/2021/08/how-to-perform-tukey-hsd-test-in-r/
for (group in unique(data$Age_group)){
  temp_data <- data[data$Age_group == group,]
  temp_anova <- aov(BMP_1 ~ Category*Sex, data=temp_data)
  temp_tukey <- TukeyHSD(temp_anova, conf.level=.95)
  }, error=function(e){})
## Warning in pander.default(temp_tukey, caption = group): No pander.method for
## "TukeyHSD", reverting to default.No pander.method for "multicomp", reverting to
## default.
  • Category:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test-Control -5.13 -13.77 3.507 0.2289
  • Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Male-Female 29.95 21.38 38.53 6.17e-07
  • Category:Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test:Female-Control:Female 0.03029 -16.12 16.18 1
    Control:Male-Control:Female 34.67 17.23 52.12 0.0001184
    Test:Male-Control:Female 26.41 9.708 43.12 0.00145
    Control:Male-Test:Female 34.64 18.49 50.79 4.625e-05
    Test:Male-Test:Female 26.38 11.03 41.73 0.0006142
    Test:Male-Control:Male -8.261 -24.96 8.442 0.52
## Warning in pander.default(temp_tukey, caption = group): No pander.method for
## "TukeyHSD", reverting to default.No pander.method for "multicomp", reverting to
## default.
  • Category:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test-Control 5.526 -26.88 37.93 0.7087
  • Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Male-Female 23.15 -6.851 53.15 0.1148
  • Category:Sex:

      diff lwr upr p adj
    Test:Female-Control:Female 30.08 -34.37 94.53 0.4986
    Control:Male-Control:Female 57.67 -16.75 132.1 0.1424
    Test:Male-Control:Female 37.79 -24.48 100 0.2952
    Control:Male-Test:Female 27.59 -36.86 92.04 0.5648
    Test:Male-Test:Female 7.705 -42.22 57.63 0.9612
    Test:Male-Control:Male -19.89 -82.15 42.38 0.7549

Table 3

Disease Stage Sex Adjusted p value
Late Stage Male 0.3621039
Late Stage Female 0.9881989
End Stage Male 0.7601283
End Stage Female 0.4879153

From Table 3 we see that the groups of interest are not responsible for the difference between the means of the four groups.

Multiple Regression

A linear model can developed to associate the disease stage with the level of BMP_2 and BMP_1. This is resolved in the ANOVA, but not explicitly investigated.

linearmodel <- lm(BMP_2 ~ Age_group, data = data)

  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 162.4 39.53 4.109 8.319e-05
Age_groupEnd stage 152.5 50.4 3.026 0.003173
Age_groupIntermediate stage 2.491 67.03 0.03716 0.9704
Age_groupLate stage 57.81 47.25 1.223 0.2241
Age_groupPre-symptomatic 182.5 52.3 3.491 0.0007269
Fitting linear model: BMP_2 ~ Age_group
Observations Residual Std. Error \(R^2\) Adjusted \(R^2\)
102 153.1 0.1754 0.1414

T-tests if you need them

T-tests are included but not recommended because of significant increase in the Family Wise error rate. Meaning you are more likely to have a false positive in your results.

By Sex

# t tests by sex
pander(t.test (BMP_2 ~ Category , var.equal=TRUE, alternative="less", data = subset(data, Sex == "Male")))
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  Test statistic   df   P value   Alternative hypothesis   mean in group Control 
## ---------------- ---- --------- ------------------------ -----------------------
##     0.09206       54   0.5365             less                    249.1         
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Table:  Two Sample t-test: `BMP_2` by `Category` (continued below)
## --------------------
##  mean in group Test 
## --------------------
##        245.6        
## --------------------
t.test (BMP_2 ~ Category , var.equal=TRUE, alternative="less", data = subset(data, Sex == "Female"))
##  Two Sample t-test
## data:  BMP_2 by Category
## t = -2.242, df = 44, p-value = 0.01503
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Control and group Test is less than 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##       -Inf -30.31352
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Control    mean in group Test 
##              199.3309              320.3100
t.test (BMP_1 ~ Category , var.equal=TRUE, alternative="less", data = subset(data, Sex == "Male"))
##  Two Sample t-test
## data:  BMP_1 by Category
## t = 0.80213, df = 16, p-value = 0.7829
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Control and group Test is less than 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##      -Inf 26.20367
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Control    mean in group Test 
##             100.43500              92.18595
t.test (BMP_1 ~ Category , var.equal=TRUE, alternative="less", data = subset(data, Sex == "Female"))
##  Two Sample t-test
## data:  BMP_1 by Category
## t = -1.2369, df = 16, p-value = 0.117
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Control and group Test is less than 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##      -Inf 4.777702
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Control    mean in group Test 
##              59.19129              70.80095

By Group

ttest_table <- function(data,bmp1or2){
  dstage <-degfree <-tstat <- pval <- c()
  for (stage in unique(data$Age_group)){
      if (bmp1or2){
        ttest <- t.test(BMP_1 ~ Category , var.equal=TRUE, alternative="less", data = subset(data, Age_group == stage))
        ttest <- t.test(BMP_2 ~ Category , var.equal=TRUE, alternative="less", data = subset(data, Age_group == stage))
      degfree <- c(degfree,ttest$parameter)
      tstat <- c(tstat,ttest$statistic)
      pval <- c(pval,ttest$p.value)
      dstage <- c(dstage,stage)
      }, error=function(e){})
kable(ttest_table(data,bmp1or2=TRUE),caption="bmp1 t-test results") 
Table 2: bmp1 t-test results
dstage degfree tstat pval
Late stage 21 0.6641166 0.7430790
End stage 11 -0.3293894 0.3740241
kable(ttest_table(data,bmp1or2=FALSE),caption="bmp2 t-test results") 
Table 2: bmp2 t-test results
dstage degfree tstat pval
Pre-symptomatic 18 0.4399299 0.6673876
Early stage 13 -0.9551325 0.1784677
Intermediate stage 6 -1.2689540 0.1257301
Late stage 33 -0.7368671 0.2332050
End stage 22 -2.0396158 0.0267883

By Group Given that the mouse is Female

female_data <- data[data$Sex == "Female",]
kable(ttest_table(female_data,bmp1or2=TRUE),caption="bmp1 t-test results") 
Table 3: bmp1 t-test results
dstage degfree tstat pval
Late stage 10 -0.0066006 0.4974317
End stage 4 -1.7594741 0.0766554
kable(ttest_table(female_data,bmp1or2=FALSE),caption="bmp2 t-test results") 
Table 3: bmp2 t-test results
dstage degfree tstat pval
Pre-symptomatic 6 -1.7437019 0.0659169
Early stage 6 -0.9130563 0.1982090
Late stage 17 -0.7515993 0.2312857
End stage 9 -1.7655825 0.0556395

By Group Given that the mouse is Male

male_data <- data[data$Sex == "Male",]
kable(ttest_table(male_data,bmp1or2=TRUE),caption="bmp1 t-test results") 
Table 4: bmp1 t-test results
dstage degfree tstat pval
Late stage 9 1.174397 0.8648135
End stage 5 0.891278 0.7931956
kable(ttest_table(male_data,bmp1or2=FALSE),caption="bmp2 t-test results") 
Table 4: bmp2 t-test results
dstage degfree tstat pval
Pre-symptomatic 10 2.5109369 0.9845685
Early stage 5 -0.5570914 0.3007404
Intermediate stage 6 -1.2689540 0.1257301
Late stage 14 -0.0386572 0.4848548
End stage 11 -1.0212576 0.1645340


This section contains the QQ plots and tests of normality for each variable.

# The kinds of QQ plots for each ANOVA are

# creating Q-Q plot for each group.
QQplotter_BMP_1 <- function(dataset, s, ag){
  test <-  dataset[dataset$Category == "Test",]
  control <- dataset[dataset$Category == "Control", ]
  qqnorm(test$BMP_1, pch=1, frame=FALSE, main=sprintf("Normal Q-Q Plot for Test group, Biomarker: BMP_1, Sex: %s, Age_group: %s", s, ag))
  qqline(test$BMP_1, col = "steelblue", lwd = 2)
  qqnorm(control$BMP_1,pch=1, frame=FALSE, main=sprintf("Normal Q-Q Plot for Control group, Biomarker: BMP_1, Sex: %s, Age_group: %s", s, ag))
  qqline(control$BMP_1, col = "steelblue", lwd = 2)

# Total 
QQplotter_BMP_1(data, s="All", ag="All")

# By Sex 
for (sex in unique(data$Sex)){
  temp_data <-  data[data$Sex == sex,]
  QQplotter_BMP_1(temp_data,s=sex, ag="All")

# By Group 
for (group in unique(data$Age_group)){
    temp_data <-  data[data$Sex == group,]
  QQplotter_BMP_1(temp_data,s="All", ag=group)
  }, error=function(e){})
# By Group Given Sex is Male
male_data <- data[data$Sex == "Male",]
for (group in unique(male_data$Age_group)){
    temp_data <-  male_data[male_data$Sex == group,]
  QQplotter_BMP_1(temp_data,s="All", ag=group)
  }, error=function(e){})
# By Group Given Sex is Female 
male_data <- data[data$Sex == "Female",]
for (group in unique(male_data$Age_group)){
    temp_data <-  male_data[male_data$Sex == group,]
  QQplotter_BMP_1(temp_data,s="All", ag=group)
  }, error=function(e){})